Greenhouse Cannabis Cultivation

As people have a deeper and deeper understanding of cannabis, they are gradually realizing the importance of its medical value and minimal recreational harm. 

Overview of the plan

More and more countries are gradually clearing cannabis from the drug list and making it "legal" ization”, which has also prompted more people to understand and come into contact with cannabis. At present, cannabis cultivation is mainly divided into two types: indoor and greenhouse cultivation. In fact, many large-scale cultivations in the market are mainly greenhouse cultivation. The advantage of greenhouse cultivation is that it can scientifically and accurately ensure the best environment for cannabis growth.

The growth process of cannabis can be divided into the following steps:

1. Seedling stage - start cultivation from seeds, and accurately control humidity, ventilation, water and appropriate light. As far as lighting is concerned, 220w ppf: 150-200, SP2 spectrum LPE2I-OT is generally used. This product can well ensure the lighting needs of the cannabis seedling stage.

2. Veg Stage - when the cannabis grows to about 15cm, it can be transferred to the greenhouse to the Veg stage room. At this stage, the ppf required for cannabis will be much higher, generally around 600-800ppfd, which is more conducive to rhizome production. In addition to needing sunlight every day during the day, cannabis also needs more light supply at night to ensure that it obtains sufficient light needs. LPTC640S-TT SP2 is ideally suited for cannabis production during this period and has been proven by a large number of professional customers for high yields.

3.Flowering stage - During the flowering period of greenhouse cultivation, cannabis's need for ppfd reaches its highest level. Cannabis during this period requires 800-1200 ppfd. In order to ensure a better harvest in the end, the hemp hearts at this time need more 660nm and 730nm red light. The LPTC840S-TT SP1 spectrum can ensure that sufficient light is provided even when CO2 is increased during the flowering period.

Luxgrow is always providing completed and professional lighting solutions for greenhouse cannabis growers, as well as professional customized services.

Just some of the many benefits of indoor cannabis cultivation include

● Full control over all environmental factors (light, temperature, humidity, etc.)
● Control over the plant's flowering period.
● Fewer chances for pests and insects.
● Year-round harvests (or more frequently than once a year).
● Consistency in the crop.
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Plan detailsPlan details

At LuxGrow, we stand confident in providing superior LED grow lights that consistently meet the high standards of quality and experience required for indoor cannabis cultivation. As a fully integrated solution provider, our cultivators rely on our lighting technology to help them produce the best flowers possible, leading to the highest-quality cannabis products at every stage of growth.

Technical advantagesTechnical advantages

At LuxGrow, we stand confident in providing superior LED grow lights that consistently meet the high standards of quality and experience required for indoor cannabis cultivation. As a fully integrated solution provider, our cultivators rely on our lighting technology to help them produce the best flowers possible, leading to the highest-quality cannabis products at every stage of growth.

Enterprise characteristicsEnterprise characteristics

At LuxGrow, we stand confident in providing superior LED grow lights that consistently meet the high standards of quality and experience required for indoor cannabis cultivation. As a fully integrated solution provider, our cultivators rely on our lighting technology to help them produce the best flowers possible, leading to the highest-quality cannabis products at every stage of growth.

Project experienceProject experience

At LuxGrow, we stand confident in providing superior LED grow lights that consistently meet the high standards of quality and experience required for indoor cannabis cultivation. As a fully integrated solution provider, our cultivators rely on our lighting technology to help them produce the best flowers possible, leading to the highest-quality cannabis products at every stage of growth.

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More yields and better cannabinoid profiles with Luxgrow LEDs. For support with light planning, please contact Luxgrow sales team, we will be happy to create a light plan for you, free of charge

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More yields and better cannabinoid profiles with Luxgrow LEDs. For support with light planning, please contact Luxgrow sales team, we will be happy to create a light plan for you, free of charge



Bench Dimension*

Lamp Height*


Growth Stage*



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