
An interesting set of spectral studies that can increase dry matter yield

An interesting set of spectral studies that can increase dry matter yield

The main lighting factor that determines the growth rate of cannabis/weed is the PPFD level. PPFD is the PPF expressed in a square meter, in the wavelength range (400-700nm). PPFD is a density value that is very affected by the test location. The results show that higher PPFD leads to higher fresh and dry weight of plants, lower specific leaf area, and FBRUE and radiation use efficiency (RUE) are highest at 300 μmol m−2 s−1.

Due to the non-ideal position of lamps in vertical farms, photon irradiance values can vary greatly within the cultivation area. As an example, we show the results of high spatial resolution photon irradiance measurements performed in an experimental cultivation room.

Recently, we had a meeting with the OSRAM diode team responsible for the cannabis cultivation market, and Dr. Chen, the technical director, shared with us a new spectral study; using this spectrum (double red peak spectrum), the unit cultivation cost can increase by about 70% more thc/cbd than before.

Luxgrow's LPUC grow light spectrum concluded:

1. At 600 ppfd at 2 feet, using a double red peak spectrum, dry matter yield can be increased.

2. At 1200 ppfd at 2 feet, using a double red peak spectrum, terpenoid concentration can be increased

3. Increasing dry matter yield and terpenoid concentration can achieve a 70% increase in THC/CBD per unit cultivation cost than before.

Such as the layout and light distribution of the lamp, the reflectivity of the growth surface, and the reflector size, they concluded that not only the characteristics of the LED affect the light environment in the PFAL, but also the design of the cultivation space and the optical properties of the structural objects.

In addition, some studies have reported that LED lights can reduce microbial contamination and promote flowering, maturity and/or preservation of cannabis/weed. Luxgrow's LPUC grow LED lights' ability to affect crop growth and yield depends on photoperiod, light intensity, and spectral composition.

Here are some reseach data  below ,if you want to know more. we can send you the lastest reseach report.  some sampels are ready to produce ,if you need one to test,pls let us know.

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